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2023 Foundational Reading Tutoring

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2023 Foundational Reading Tutoring


High-dosage literacy tutoring is the answer to the question of how to bring students to grade-level proficiency. This tutoring curriculum supports students in a progression of foundational skills including phonological awareness, phonics, high-frequency words, monitoring for sense, fluency, and comprehension. Children are taught to read while reading a carefully sequenced series of decodable-texts. 

The curriculum has already shown great success. In one school, students made 200% growth after only four months of tutoring.  Our results are supported by research which has shown that high-leverage tutoring is one of the most effective ways to close the achievement gap and give all kids access to foundational reading skills.

The curriculum consists of 10 modules, each containing 15-25 sessions, and an assessment tool which can help tutors determine where in this sequence a student should begin work.  Each module hones in on a specific phonics skill such as letter sounds, CVC words, blends and digraphs, silent e, vowel teams, inflectional endings, R-controlled vowels, and syllabication of two-syllable words, and multisyllabic words.

This curriculum includes all the materials tutors and children need to engage immediately. Tutors receive both the assessment tools and the curricular materials they need, as well as frequent tips for ways they can be responsive during their tutoring sessions. While one-on-one tutoring is the goal, children can also be tutored in small groups.

Although we are eager to provide online courses or coaching to support tutors, experience has shown that even tutors with no prior experience in literacy tutoring and no PD can begin at once. 


  • In a California School, students made 200% growth after only 4 months of tutoring.
  • A North Dakota School District found that students who participated in tutoring improved by 62.85 points on the Star Reading Assessment, compared to 33.63 points for students who did not.
  • In a Michigan district, between September and December, 30% of kids who were tutored achieved a full year’s growth, and 59% achieved a half-year’s growth. 

What’s Included

  • Pre- and Post-Assessments
  • 10 modules, totaling 150 Sessions
  • Printable materials needed for each session
  • Printable Daypack Decodables, a set of 120 decodable texts
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You'll get Pre- and Post-Assessments, 10 modules, totaling 150 Sessions, Printable materials needed for each session, Printable Daypack Decodables, a set of 120 decodable texts

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